Monday, May 30, 2016

Ecuador birds

 Pale-legged Hornero

Palm Tanagers 

 Peruvian Pygmy Owls - we saw quite a few of these, infact we saw them nearly every day but they were difficult to find, a tiny bird in massive trees

Plumbeous Kites

 Roadside Hawk

 Rufous-throated Tanager

 Saffron Finch

Snail Kite 

 Speckled Chacalaca

 Streak-headed Woodcreeper

 Strong-billed Woodcreeper

 Swallow-tailed Kites

 Tanagers at the lodge feeder. Every lodge fed the hummingbirds and the tanagers and it was lovely to sit in the afternoon heat and watch them coming in. 

 Torrent Duck - in perfect conditions after all the rain and floods

 Tri-coloured Heron

 A very distant white-throated quail-dove. Another of the 'must see' birds in the Tapichalaca reserve.

 Vermillion Flycatcher

 Vultures and dog standing guard in the grounds of a massive house with a swimming pool (we didn't see too many pools on this trip!)

 White Ibis

 White-capped Dipper, very distant 

 White-tailed Jay 

Yellow-tufted Woodpecker

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