Saturday, April 30, 2016

Tour de Yorkshire, Stage Two

Team Wiggins 

Saturday's Stage Two of the Tour de Yorkshire. We did think about heading to Bawtry but after driving through this morning, decided against it as the crowds were huge and every vantage spot was taken and parking was a nightmare. So stayed at Austerfield and had excellent views. But it was over before we could blink as the riders were all grouped. How they can still pedal after riding for 6 hours and well over 100km, they must be some of the fittest athletes, and some were even chatting to their neighbouring riders, didn't even looked puffed ! It was difficult to find a vantage spot for photography as we had the sun, aswell as the 100's of people, to take into consideration. You don't realise how many posts and signs there are on a road until you need a clear view. So, after moving many times, we got ourselves in place and waited. Plenty of support vehicles and race commentary well before the race, kept us amused for a while (love the giant Yorkshire pud!). Then the police start to arrive and the roads are closed, they have it down to a fine art, 100% organised. But the amount of police, support riders, camera crews, support vehicles, race organisers, security, runs into 100's of vehicles, all have a wave and really appreciate the crowds. A fantastic few minutes and well worth the wait.
Yorkshire Tourism have done us all proud, the organisation behind the race must have been phenomenal and they have done a fantastic job, thank you.  

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