Friday, April 22, 2016

Osprey, Rutland Water

Our annual pilgrimage to Rutland Water to see Osprey. This pair are now sitting on 3 eggs and due to hatch in a couple of weeks. The male was missing for most of the morning and we were hoping for a fish to be brought back to the lady but all he had was a small stick ! The female was soon off the nest for a stretch and she flew to the adjacent field of cattle to collect some hay for the growing nest.
Although  they are spectacular to see and the camera and big screen in the hide is excellent, we can't help but wonder why they don't build and screen a new hide a bit closer to the nest site. Lets be honest, they must make a bomb in admission charges. We went mid week and the hide was busy, it must be absolutely packed at weekends. 

Lots of common terns on the lake, very vocal as always. 

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