Monday, January 18, 2016

January's Bits & Bobs

 Chiffchaff, our first bird of 2016


A very distant Black-necked Grebe 



 Long-tailed Tits

and a single Red Arrow came out to practice his loops ! 


 A sunny Robin

A very distant short-eared owl 



Tree Sparrow 

Willow Tits

January started off very well with our first bird of the year being a chiffchaff. The weather has got colder as the month went on and we have all had coughs and colds. We went to South America in December and was home in time for Christmas. The birding on holiday was so good that it does make you not want to bother much when you get home....but that soon wears off and we were out and about after a week. Not a lot to see though but it has rallied during the past week with a black-necked grebe, a red-necked grebe and plenty of snow buntings and short-eared owls to go and see. The swans have arrived at Alderfen so we have those to go see too. Now looking at another this space !

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