Sunday, January 3, 2016

Birdwatching around Valparaiso

We sailed up the coast of Chile, through many more glaciers and fjords, with a stop at Puerto Montt. There were no new birds there for us so we just decided to stretch our legs through the town where we saw Father Christmas ! We were soon back on the ship as there was very little for us to buy and not a lot to see but it was nice to actually walk, just us two.  We set sail late afternoon heading north to our final port of call, Valparaiso where we were met by Rodrigo from Birdwatching Chile, who was our bird guide for the next two days. Roderigo was an excellent guide and we found some absolutely cracking birds !

Blackish Oystercatcher 

Peruvian Pelicans and Peruvian Booby 

Grey Gull 

Hudsonian Whimbrel 

Olivacious Cormorant 

Peruvian Pelican 

Red-legged Cormorant 

Rock Cormorant 

 Seaside Cinclodes



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