Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Costanera Sur Nature Reserve, Buenos Aires

Our first morning in Buenos Aires and we were out heading to the nature reserve, Costanera Sur, a 20 minute walk from our hotel. The reserve didn't open until 9am but we were able to view the ponds from the walkway and our list began !  Two weed cutters were both working away but the birds didn't seem to be bothered, infact looking at the choking weed, it must be an ongoing task. The ranger in the centre was a good English speaker and made us very welcome indeed. We were soon on our way, heading down the tracks with birds (and mosquitoes!) coming thick and fast. The reserve is almost in the city centre and is used by 100's of runners constantly yet the reserve looks very well managed for wildlife and was litter and dog free. Our first day gave us a good 50 species and we returned the following day to try and get some of the more difficult species. We did see a snake that we were later told was venomous. A couple of excellent days in here to kick start the holiday before we boarded our ship.

 The city centre sky scrapers in the distance.

 No matter whereabouts in the world you are, there are always dogs like these two snoozing in the afternoon sun.

 Monarch Butterfly

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