Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Pied Flycatcher extravaganza, Sammy's Point, Kilnsea

One of those magical afternoons at Spurn when birds simply pour in. Well over 100 pied flycatchers arrived between 2pm and 4pm, the bushes were dripping with them. Also very high numbers of willow warblers. The supporting cast was equally as impressive with wheatears, whinchats, spotted flycatchers, tree pipit, 6 redstarts, garden warbler and a wryneck. Haven't had an afternoon at Spurn like that for some time, absolutely fantastic !

1 comment:

  1. It was great to meet you both (I was with my lad). Great photos and I agree a great day at Spurn.

    Hope to see you again.

    Graham and Anthony
