Saturday, August 1, 2015

Bee-eaters, Brampton, Cumbria

Low Gelt Sand Quarry, Near  Brampton, Cumbria. This shows the distance that they are viewed from. The nest site is in the far bank, just under the top overhang. They were found by one of the workers at the quarry who was used to seeing sand martins but these had more colour. They were soon identified and when they were seen each day, the RSPB were called in to monitor them.

There are two pairs. One pair is in a place with no access whatsoever. This pair have only just laid so are a few weeks behind. The wardens there monitor the amount of food going in so have a rough idea whats going on in the nest. 

The pair that we saw are from the path and you look over the quarry (which is still a working quarry) to the nest site. The warden told us there is far more activity in the morning, pity as we didn't get there until 2pm. But, although it was quiet to start with, we saw two birds take a butterfly and a wasp in during the afternoon. General thought was that perhaps just one egg had hatched that day as food was going in but not alot of it. There were three birds at this nest, a pair and a helper, often disappearing for some time. We stayed until well after tea as we definitely wanted to miss the 5 o'clock traffic. A 350 mile trip but well worth it. 

A big thank you to the RSPB staff on site, very helpful and organised ! 


  1. Great news and well managed by the RSPB,excellent watch over these rarities, generates more cash, generates more publicity,more local interest and knowledge and we all get to see these splendid birds !! Thanks for the blog ! Jonathan kendal

  2. I am trying to find out if the Bee Eaters were successful? How many young fledged? Please. Thanks!
