Sunday, July 12, 2015

A walk across the Humber Bridge

The resident peregrines coughed up pellet but no sign of the birds 

We have never walked across the Humber Bridge before even though it's so close to home, so with not alot else to do we set off with blue sky and glorious sun above. Arrived at the Humber Bride, less than 20 miles away, to the greyest, overcast evening you can imagine. Off we set with stunning views of the river but was shocked by the amount of other people on there. Masses of runners, infact a steady stream, and a cycle club that seemed to be doing circuits. We were also amazed by how much the bridge actually moved giving us a feeling of slight queasiness ! Anyway, we managed to get half way until the grey sky turned a shade of black and we beat a swift retreat not making it back to the car before the heavens opened. Soaked ! 
Will definately attempt it again but next time with blue sky !

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