Saturday, June 20, 2015

Cairngorn, Scotland

We have never been up to the top of Cairngorm on the train before so when the sky was clear and blue on Monday (and all the weekend walkers had gone) we treated ourselves to the trip. It was an 8 minute journey that cost £12,50, they must be coining it in. It was such a pity that you couldn't walk out from the ski centre yet people could mountain bike everywhere and the paths were strewn with plastic bottles. A bit of a double standard there.  We were on the first train up and were the first out onto the viewing area. The view was absolutely stunning. A pair of Ring Ouzels were feeding and we had excellent views before the masses of people arriving flushed them. We looked and scoured the rocks and scree for ptarmigan and didn't think we would be lucky until a pair flew past us and landed nicely behind the fence where they stayed preening and feeding all morning. We could just make them out through the fence with the scope, one occasionally sticking it's head up and looking round but they never came from behind the fence. A fabulous morning.

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