Sunday, June 21, 2015

Arctic Hares on Lecht Ski Slope

Plenty of common gull chicks on the top.  

A UK first for us !  After a two hour drive on death defying roads we eventually arrived at the Lecht Ski Slope. So we scanned and scanned the mountain side - nothing only masses of red grouse everywhere that is until we moved to the next car park then BINGO an arctic hare !  Simon had one in the scope so after we grabbed hats, gloves and more layers, up we went. Well, to say that we are totally unfit was an understatement when a man significantly older than us, ran past us. Fell running at its very best, he trotted past with a cheerful 'good morning' and we could barely breath, having to stop every ten yards to catch our breath. He did us a massive favour though as he ran up towards the top, he put another hare up out of the fence side. Excellent. So, scanned again at the top and there was another, then another and another hare. 7 in all, but very distant and totally alert. We were well chuffed and the view wasn't too bad either !  As we were slithering down the slope, the running man ran back down having done the whole range, not even panting!  Another fabulous day in Scotland. 

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