Sunday, May 10, 2015

Citril Finch, Holkham Pines, Norfolk

With the pager bleeping early Sunday morning we hoped it was something local and something good. We were not disappointed as this bird was an absolute cracker. So we went through the 'shall we, shan't we' while I made a pack-up and flask. It came back on the pager and off we went. An excellent journey that was lorry and tractorless so we were soon heading down to Holkham Pines along with a few hundred other birders.  As we arrived the bird had just flown to the pines,  something it had been doing all morning and we were reassured that it would definately be seen again. After 40 minutes a shout went up and the bird was in flight, landing in the dunes behind us. It was not easy to navigate to get a view point, lots of sand, rabbit holes and scrubby plants but good views were had by all. 

A new world bird to add to Karen's list taking her world tally to 1649. 

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