Sunday, February 15, 2015

Harlequin Duck, Aberdeen


We had a couple of days holiday from work so decided we would make the 800 mile round trip up to Aberdeen to see the Harlequin Duck. This had been there for some time but the weather was against us for a few weeks and then we thought we couldn't be bothered with the massive drive but eventually could not resist any longer. It was a new UK and world bird for us and took Karen's list to 377 and 1638 accordingly. Anyway, we got a very cheap Travel Lodge room so decided to head north. We were at Seaton Park for first light and the only birds around were dippers. A seal swam by and a few birders saw the otter. Then at around 8am it was found well down the river past the toilet block only to fly upriver to it's usual rapids. Now, as the crow flies this wasn't very far but walking there was a right obstacle course that involved two very muddy, slippery slopes, a new housing estate, steps, fences and barbed wire which we navigated not once but twice before 9am ! Anyway, it was well worth it as the duck simply sat on a rock about 10 yards infront of us, fishing, preening, excellent views. Pity the sky was greyer than grey, infact borerline fog ! And the photographer that was at the front of the crowd, you are definately not a birder with this 'one step closer' approach. You ruin the hobby. We did smile to ourselves when a small fracas broke out as a birder had stood infront of a camera ! Well worth the 800 mile drive. 

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