Saturday, January 3, 2015

Christmas on the Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico

We thought we would escape the build up to Christmas and the never ending spending that it entails by treating ourselves to a birding holiday to Mexico. We stayed at the Bahia Principe Akumal. A 5* luxury hotel that was absolutely fantastic. All inclusive with champagne and caviar served each day at 5pm !  The birding was not that easy to be honest. We had some brilliant birds in the hotel grounds but with the continuous extending and building that they were doing, we think they had lost alot of the birds. The heat and humidity was also more intense than we anticipated and although Karen likes the heat, walking with cameras, water and even binoculars was exhausting. Still, we did the best we could and managed approx 200 species with 80 being new to us. We saw some magnificent birds, and visited another wonder !

Birding highlights were of course the hummingbirds and parrots, the motmots, trogons and all the orioles that were everywhere. The colours were stunning !  Of course there is always a down side and here we had mosquitoes............millions of them !  

A fabulous holiday that we would highly recommend. Hope you enjoy looking at our photos. 

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