Monday, November 3, 2014

Rough-legged Buzzard

What a day !  Karen thought she could have tea in bed this morning and catch up with a couple of chapters of a new book until the pager bleeped. A Blackpoll Warbler at Spurn !  Up like a shot, pack-up thrown in a bag and off we set. As soon as we got there we knew we had missed it, 100's of birders milling about and chatting - definitely not a good sign. So, after mooching along hedgelines for a couple of hours we decided to head to Bridlington for the rough-legged buzzard. No easy way to get there so coast road it was, now why build a straight road when you can put 200 bends in it........

Eventually found the village and within 5 mins we had the rough-legged hovering right above the road, WOW !  No time to park and get camera, we just watched and it was absolutely stunning. Parked up and was ready for it to fly again, the light was perfect but afraid it simply sat in a distant tree. By the time it flew again, the sun had retreated behind thick cloud. Still, it was a pleasure to watch. Hope this bird hangs around, reckon we need to spend alot more time with it, preferably on a sunny day ! 

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