Saturday, December 21, 2013

Tsarvo Lions

A lion footprint

Was so looking forward to seeing lions when we went to Tsarvo but didn't see any on day one or two so was beginning to loose hope. Then day three dawned and our driver switched on his radio...........with foot flat to the floor we headed out and drove for miles and miles only to see a fleeting glimpse of 2 lions walking into the bushes for a days sleep! So we sat there and waited and waited, we knew we were burning up birding time and it was our last day in Tsarvo so we had to move on. We thought that would be it for lions and that glimpse would have to wrong we were. Not understanding a word that was said on the radio we didn't realise that a group of 4 had been seen. When we got there a gazelle was just walking towards them, it may be cruel but we wanted to see a kill. The lions started to lower themselves until they were totally flat. The gazelle sensed they were there and stamped its feet and ran off in the opposite direction. We didn't get our kill but was still a special moment to see 4 lions in the wild. Imagine our surprise when we were heading for the hippo river when we came across a pride of 5 lions all sleeping and stretching under a distant tree. An excellent lion day with sightings of 11.

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