Friday, December 20, 2013

Sabaki River Mouth

 Sooty Gulls

 Caspian, Greater and Lesser Crested Terns

White Cheeked Tern

 Sabaki River Mouth. Can honestly say, we have never felt heat like this. It went well over 40 degrees, scorchio! Well, another rip off here. There used to be a charge to walk here that went to the village. Kenya Wildlife Service scrapped this scheme and this area became free yet a few locals claim it is still in force and police it themselves. This involves threatening until you pay $20. Now why we had to pay this is beyond me but I really think the Kenya Wildlife Service needs to get their house in order. That $20 just went straight into someone's back pocket.

Anyway, birds were plenty here with lines and lines of flamingos, terns, gulls, waders and just us three. Now just look at that beach above, it looks like heaven doesn't it. A fantastic birding trip, and it did the suntan a world of good !

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