Thursday, December 19, 2013

Arabuko Sokoke Forest

What a place this was. It went for miles, on and on. Good job we had a guide - we would still be in there now !  Found some good birds in there, but afraid we didn't see the elephants although we did see a couple of golden elephant shrews. This forest was managed by the Kenya Wildlife Service and to gain entry you had to go to a booth and pay (yes PAY !) and you were given the key to the gate. It was $15 each to get into the forest. Paying this really grieved Karen and when two paths were blocked by fallen trees, she was very quick to complain!  We went into this part of the forest twice, so that cost us $60 !! Could you imagine paying that here in the UK? So, even though two paths were blocked and we couldn't drive through, we could not have a refund and still had to pay full price for our second visit. It was beyond a joke really and to say that this forest was managed and totally protected, we witnessed loggers removing a full truck load of timber from right infront of the rangers and they did nothing to stop this theft.

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