Monday, October 7, 2013

Where did that weekend go?

Well, it's been one of those 'wish we hadn't bothered' kind of weekends. Had a brill day Friday at Spurn and then we thought we would have the weekend on the Lincs coast..............BIG mistake!
We spent all day Saturday at Donna Nook, looking into bushes for a fleeting 20 second glance of a yellow browed. There was a Siberian Stonechat not too far away as the crow flies but Karen was adamant she had seen one in the UK and wasn't very impressed with the days birds anyway so home we came. Then, once the list was checked and double checked, no she hadn't seen a Siberian Stonechat in the UK. So, she ranted on about that ALL night !
Sunday dawned and Simon and Tom went fishing for the day. Karen manning the pager, but nothing from Gibraltar Point was coming on there. So she rang up and a shop assistant tells her that yes, the bird was still there and it had been seen that morning. Then it came on our pager - twice. So, at tea-time off we headed to Skegness. Met a field trip in the car park who were homeward bound who had looked for the stonechat all day and it hadn't been seen. NOT IMPRESSED ! Seems like we were given duff info...............So, lesson learned there. And now, we are just heading back out to work for the week and wishing we hadn't totally wasted the weekend !

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