Sunday, October 13, 2013

Today at Spurn

Little Bunting at Sammy's Point - flushed by a dog walker !
Well, it has been one of those magical weekends with a staggering amount of birds on the coast. We headed to Yorkshire both days, Flamborough on Saturday and Spurn on Sunday. Just pulled up in the Crown and Anchor when a call went round that a dusky warbler had been caught and rung and was going to be released. Well, to say that two days ago we had never seen one, this weekend made up for it !  As it was released, a great grey shrike flew over along with a couple of ring ouzels. Two roe deer were rutting in the next field, oblivious to us birders. So, we thought we could catch up with a coffee and photograph a few bramblings when we had a text from John to say a corncrake was in the cow field and there was an organised flush. So, down there we headed to see a bird fly over the hedge to be flushed back again. Not a corncrake but a quail. The further away from Easington we got, the windier it was so we headed back to Kew area as most birds were there. Just got the flask out the car again and another text to say hawfinch in pub yard. It was all go !
Along the canal we had a very fleeting glimpse of another dusky warbler, a couple of mealy redpolls and a barred warbler.
Next came a call that there was a little bunting at Sammy's so we headed down there. It was out on the path but we couldn't get any closer for fear of flushing it...........later to be flushed by a dog walker anyway. Supporting cast at Sammy's also included a couple of great grey shrikes.
It was one of those fantastic, birds everywhere days and the count was staggering. Not a good day for photography as the gale force wind and the amount of people at Spurn beggared belief !
But so glad we joined the Friends of Spurn, felt very privileged to be allowed into the inner ringing circle !  

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