Wednesday, October 9, 2013

The end of Worlaby Carrs

That's it folks, looks like time is finally up for Worlaby Carrs. We went down tonight and there was plenty of machinery in action. All the grass has been cut short and parts have been rotovated, no doubt ready for ploughing soon. When we think of all the birds we have seen there: rough-legged buzzard, short-eared owl, little owl, long-eared owl, barn owl, sparrowhawk, kestrel, marsh harrier, hen harrier, stonechats to name but a few.  What a shame that our wildlife is now pushed aside and then pushed again. Not surprising that everything is in decline. These farmers claim to be custodians of our countryside, well they are not looking after this bit very well at all. Shame on you Truelove Property.

Little Owl roosted in these hay bales. We saw them many times coming out and sitting on the bales, we even have photographs. Not only were we met with the destruction on one side, but these bales had been set on fire and infact were still smouldering. Hope the owls got out safely. That's another site lost.

A Little Owl in the hay bales, sadly no more.

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