Monday, September 9, 2013

Red Backed Shrike, Spurn Migration Festival

A red-backed shrike taken from Well Field yesterday afternoon. The bird was always quite distant and very active. A rosefinch (rung) flew into the same bush early in the afternoon, it hung around for a full minute before heading off back in the direction of the Blue Bell. Despite searching, we couldn't re-locate it.
The Migration Festival seemed to be very well attended (and listening to the radios, brilliantly organised) and there was plenty happening. Something for everyone, from insect walks, local history, bird lectures, even taxidermy on a poor dunlin.  Lots of interest for the 200 people attending. Despite the lack of migrating birds, everyone seemed to have enjoyed themselves. There were very few birdwatchers there on the Sunday afternoon, which was a very pleasant surprise!
Nice to catch up with a few mates and meet new ones. We now have a wildcat trip to research and a bear trip in Italy to look forward to !

A few pics below of the shrike.

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