Saturday, September 21, 2013

Blue-winged Teal

Decided to drive over to Lincoln last Tuesday evening to see these 3 birds. We have never been to Boultham Mere before so SatNav was set and off we went. The SatNav then took us to Boultham Park but we were soon put right by a local who told us to walk up the side of Farm Foods. So, off we set in 5 o'clock traffic to find Farm Foods which proved almost impossible. We gave up and decided to head home when we drove past a frozen food shop - Farm Foods. So, off we trudged up a track for about a mile, until we reached the reserve. The hide is probably the dirtiest we have ever been in, obviously being used by the locals to get blathered in !
After much searching we located the teal, so that was another tick on Karen's big list taking her UK tally to 348. Didn't take the camera with us so probably have to visit again.

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