Saturday, August 31, 2013

Wrynecks, Spurn Point

 2 in the same bush !

The wrynecks were just unbelievable today at Spurn. 27 were counted throughout the day. To say this was Karen's bogey bird a few years ago, she has made up for it recently. We did witness some horrific photographers (we would definitely not call them birdwatchers), who had to get the ultimate shot. One wrynecks was obviously starving and came out to eat ants off the verge only to be totally surrounded by cameras. The bird will have been under that much stress, it needed to re-fuel and was prevented from doing so. These are not tame birds, they are not confiding at all, they are starving to death so give them a break. Take your photos from a distance and give the birds a chance to feed in peace.

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