Sunday, June 2, 2013


 Our garden feeder. The birds showed no fear whatsoever.

 Get yer feet up !

 The ferry from North Uist to Uig on the Isle of Skye. We couldn't have wished for better weather. Apart from one rainy morning, we had blue sky and sunshine.

 North Uist in the Outer Hebrides.

The foreshore at RSPB Banranald, North Uist. We took the ferry there for the day to hopefully see the harlequin duck and snowy owl. The pager was not working as we had no signal so we were not sure if these two birds were still around. The harlequin duck had apparently been flushed the evening before by photographers and the snowy owl hadn't been seen since the previous week. We scoured the area for the owl but all we could find was a white football in a ditch..........and yes, believe it or not, that was what some people claimed as a snowy owl ! Despite these two missing, it really was a fantastic day. Birds were everywhere and just look at this for a beach.

 In our village of Kenmore, if you didn't keep sheep you were a fisherman.

 Just love this picture taken from our house over the bay

 The 'Pass of the Cattle' road. Not for the feint-hearted!

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