Thursday, April 25, 2013

Rock Thrush, Spurn

A UK first for us two. Came on the pager at lunchtime and then we had all afternoon at work to wait, keeping all fingers crossed that it would still be there. So drove to Spurn getting behind every 20mph driver in Yorkshire ! Had an emergency stop to do at Cliff Farm when 2 roe deer decided to cross the road at great speed, missing our car by a couple of yards! The rock thrush showed well, but did remain distant. It was flushed by a couple of walkers, oblivious to the 200 people looking through telescopes at them ! But, it returned to the fence line after a few minutes. The weather did turn, with cloud and spots of rain so we thought we would beat a retreat. Just reversing the car out when a mass of birders ran past us shouting 'caspian tern'. What a fabulous evening, it doesn't come much better than that. These two put Karen's UK list now at 337.

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