Saturday, April 13, 2013

Dead short eared owls, Worlaby Carrs

This absolutely sickens us and we are sorry to put a photo of death on our blog, but you should all be aware of the demise of the short eared owls at Worlaby Carrs. The field has now been cut, no doubt to aid the ploughing that will surely be taking place later this year. A birder told us that 2 dead short eared owls had been picked up the previous week, both skin and bone, and we found this one at the bottom of the lane. How sad that such a stunning beautiful bird, that we all love to watch, should end its life with starvation. Truelove Property, you should be ashamed of yourselves. Couldn't you just give up one field for wildlife? Is oilseed rape nicer to look at than short eared owls? It's all about money isn't it. You don't give a dam about your natural environment yet you choose to live in the countryside and ruin it. You are a disgrace.


  1. Simon, Karen, I absloutely agree. I'd hoped to visit the Carrs before the year is out, now I know this will be pointless. Possibly the best SEO site in England gone west - scandalous. D. MILNE (WestYorks)

  2. I'm only reading this now because I was looking at the low villages on the map. This scandal should have been aired nationwide. Shocking.
