Sunday, March 3, 2013

A few of Spain's birds

Black Redstart

Cirl Bunting

Crag Martin

Dartford Warbler

Rock Bunting

White Stork

Great Grey Shrike

White Stork

Tree Sparrow

Griffon Vulture

White Stork

Spotless Starling

Although this was to be a wolf watching trip (we hoped!), we thought we could use the days to photograph birds. We knew we wouldn't see any new birds so that pressure was off but perhaps we had really gone too early for birds as there just wasn't the numbers we had hoped for. The weather really didn't help us either with temperatures struggling to get above freezing every day. Infact it was -7 every morning. I think we reached the dizzy heights of 5 degrees one day! But, if we had gone any later in the year, the wolves would have been impossible to find as the scrub would have grown and a heat haze would have made looking through a telescope almost impossible.

Anyway, we managed 90 birds the highlight being of course, the Great Bustards at Villafafila.

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