Sunday, December 9, 2012

Spanish Birds

 Azure Winged Magpie in the rain. These were plentiful but were so flighty that it was impossible to get close.

 These were very common and seen everywhere. The colours were stunning.

 Cattle Egret. We drove past a recently ploughed field one evening, it was covered in cattle egrets and white wagtails. Obviously the plough had turned up some easy pickings.

 Corn Buntings. Seen daily around the bull fields.

 Great Grey Shrike. This sat on the same post all week.

 Golden Eagle. The raptors only flew on one day while we were there so we were very lucky to have this Golden Eagle souring above us.

 Griffon Vultures were very common.

 Plenty of Hoopoes but always very flighty.

 Iberian Chiffchaff - a cracker of a bird !
 Rock Thrush, just one seen all week.

 Sardinian Warbler (rung). This was very tame, and not bothered by us at all.

 Spanish Imperial Eagle - definately the bird of the trip. Very high so dificult to photograph but still a quality bird. Was well impressed with this sighting. It flew over about 10 minutes before the golden eagle.

 Stonechat. These were again quite numerous around the bull fields before we started on the high mountain climb.

Griffon Vultures.
A few bird shots from our recent Lynx trip to the Sierra Morena area of southern Spain. We had a total of 65 species in 4 days with the Imperial Eagle being the best bird. The weather was against us most days, infact we had one full day of sun and 3 of fog, rain and extremely low cloud!

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