Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Spurn and Easington with a Bluethroat and supporting cast

With the big falls of birds at Spurn on Monday and Tuesday and the continuation of easterly winds,  we just had to go there on Wednesday. The Bluethroat was still at Easington Lagoons which showed after a while. It was still quite foggy and the bird was distant, so the photos are the best we could manage. It was a new UK bird for us taking Karen's total to 328.

Driving down the road to Spurn, the fields were simply full of birds, a spectacular sight. The totals for Monday and Tuesday amounted to 1100 robins, 100 ring ouzels, 2270 blackbirds, 11,000 fieldfares and 23,000 redwings. Now that is some count !

The fog seemed to get thicker as the morning wore on and by lunchtime it was raining. A couple of jack snipe flew in but the fog made photography almost impossible as we were struggling to see the other side of canal scrape !

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