Saturday, September 22, 2012

One of those fantastic Spurn days........

Well, we got up this morning with the thoughts of going to Norfolk as all the birds seemed to be there until the early morning finds at Spurn started to come on the pager. So off to Spurn we went and so glad we did. Within 2 minutes of parking the car we had yellow browed warbler closely followed by red breasted flycatcher. The birds just kept on coming with yellow browed warblers aplenty, garden warblers, pied flycatchers, redstarts, whinchats, a stonechat, short eared owl, 3 pale bellied brent geese, grey phalaropes and a brambling. All topped off with the opening of the lighthouse where the views from the top were amazing. Pity we didn't see the corncrake or red backed shrike but you can't win them all! One of those magical birding days in excellent company.

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