Sunday, August 19, 2012

Snippy snaps from Karen's snippy snappy camera!

 Messingham Nature Reserve, sat hoping for an otter oblivious to this beautiful sky behind us. A hobby flew past going to roost and our local short eared owl was still around. A fabulous end to a not too good Saturday. Missed Ortolan Bunting at Spurn and only managed 2 seconds of a barred warbler's wing ! A winchat, a pied fly and 2 seals was about all we could manage between us!

 Lucy's art work. Commissions taken and will be personalised. They really are wonderful bits of art and make the perfect present.

 Wykeham Forest, North Yorkshire. Home to goshawk, somewhere !

Troutdale at Wykeham Forest. Pity, no dippers today.

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