Thursday, June 7, 2012

Pallid, afraid it's a Monty's !

The three heavily cropped pics above were taken on Saturday.

So lucky to have seen the pallid harrier that is now between Barton and Barrow, Lincs. It appeared after only 10 minutes wait when we watched it very distant, make its way along the hedgerow. The bird then disappeared for at least an hour before it re-appeared and flew back along the same hedgeline. We couldn't get a better vantage point so the above pic is well and truely a record shot ! If it is a pallid (there is a huge discussion) it is a first UK for us.
UPDATE:  After spending all Saturday with Neil, Wayne and Clare we managed some reasonably close views of this bird for the majority of the day. Many photos were taken and, although it was still distant, we managed to determine between us, that certain palid characteristics were missing. This was verified by massive enlargements of photos. So, as much as we wanted it to be a palid harrier, we had to admit that it was just wishful thinking !! Oh well, thats another crossed off Karen's list ....... she seems to be crossing more off this year than adding!
Also putting in an appearance and seranading us with his jangling song was this lovely corn bunting.

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