Sunday, May 13, 2012

What a fantastic day.......

A fantastic day, makes a change! Started off on Crowle Moors with plenty of deer, fox, tree pipit and cuckoos calling then for the orchids before they 'go over'. A brilliant display this year, the best we have ever seen probably due to the wet spring. Then on to Blacktoft via Garthorpe for a look at a posh wedding. Bitterns, Bearded Tits, good coffee and a Lancaster Bomber. Then headed nearer home to look for Turtle Dove which was a huge success with a singing male, cuckoo, barn owl, a hare to within one metre, garden warbler and lesser whitethroat. Then called at Messingham NR at dusk for more cuckoos and not one, but two OTTERS. A stunning day finished of with a superb bottle of red wine xx

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