Saturday, May 26, 2012

Dartford Warbler


Stone Curlew flying in the distance

Dunwich Heath


With the sun still shining, we headed off to Suffolk on our annual pilgrimage to see the golden orioles and stone curlew and hopefully, Karen's UK bogey bird, Dartford Warbler. Success with all three so we just sat back and enjoyed it all! Three stone curlews were seen, 2 golden orioles and 4 dartford warblers plus many hobbies. The weather was glorious which was an even bigger bonus! We visited Minsmere as we had never been there before and what a place that is. Probably the best reserve we have ever been on. They have just got everything right. Bitterns were booming from every direction and many were seen flying. It was fabulous. And the hides........Ron Gilleard you have excelled yourself with Island Mere Hide ! WOW ! Then onto Dunwich Heath for the Datford Warblers which were not easy to start with but we soon got our eye in  and 4 were seen, with the sound of bitterns and a churring nightjar, loads of red deer and sunshine, it was a magical afternoon.
The following day we were up and out before 5am for the stone curlews and then onto Lakenheath Fen for Golden Oriole where we soon had 2 singing males but very brief views. Then the hobbies were up catching dragonflies in abundance. Wish we had that many......
We even parked up at RAF Lakenheath to watch the american fighters taking off and landing - ear shattering!
A wonderful 2 days. Back home for a trip to Spurn for hopefully more golden orioles!

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