Saturday, December 3, 2011


Bale Mountains. Had a couple of days in this area and was lucky to see 3 Somali Wolves. The peak of    the mountain is 14,200 ft (4377 metres) above sea level. We have never had altitude sickness before but we certainly felt it at this height - not pleasant! The view was stunning.

 Prospective bird guides. Local lads with a growing knowledge of birds, look out for these 3 muskateers in the future!  They welcomed their Airwalk hats and Armarni T Shirts !!

 Giant Lobelia in the Bale Mountains

 These locals were panning for gold in the river

 Fetching the water, although I wouldn't fancy drinking it!

 Termite mounds. The redness of the earth makes them a wonderful sight.

 Is the whole of Africa covered in thorns??

Tortouise in one of our hotel gardens. He was around 2ft long!

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