Saturday, December 3, 2011


        The face of Africa

These two kids stayed with us all the time at the fish farm. She was absolutely beautiful with a smile to die for.  They soon tucked into their Asda'a digestives !!

 Local food - Injera. Resembled an old towel out of a swimming pools lost property. Tasted like one aswell ! We gave it a wide berth and stuck to breakfast bars and cuppa soups. The food in Ethiopa was even wose than I imagined, a good diet!

   So proud of her Hannah Mantana crocs x

   Karen always takes loads of kids clothes to give away. This little lad was absolutely terrified of me (probably never seen a white person before) and didn't seem too impressed to be given an England strip!

We had to have armed guards with us a couple of times. It's quite reassuring knowing there's an AK47 with you when you are near the Somali border!

   One of the better places we stayed at.

 Karen emerging from our hobbit house. A warthog had just run past her ! Very basic accommodation and we shared our room for 2 nights with something that liked to eat and move the soap. Dread to think what it was!

   5*   Positive luxury !

I had to show you this. This is the worst place in the world that I have ever stayed. The Green Hotel. No running water whatsoever. No flushing toilet, just a bucket !  Bare wires everywhere...........and we stayed here for 2 nights. We had a cockroach as big as my hand, no joke.

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