Sunday, September 25, 2011

Sandhill Crane

An invitation from Wayne and Clare to go with them to see the Sandhill Crane at Loch of Strathbeg, Aberdeenshire, Scotland  just couldn't be turned down!  So we set off at midnight on Friday arriving at the site at 7am the following morning. Managed distant glimpses of the crane before it flew off to neighbouring fields to feed for the day. The RSPB ladies soon had it tracked down and equiped us all with maps and local knowledge, we set off to re-locate it, which we did quite a few times! Good views were had of it feeding on recently harvested fields. Quite a small twitch really, with only about 50 people there. The RSPB ladies at the reserve were so helpful, thank you. With Wayne at the wheel and Clare as co-pilot and navigator, a good day was had by all. The trip took a mere 23 hours with 900 miles covered. This was Karen's 300th UK bird, glad it was a stunner! The day was topped off with a Black Scoter at Blackdog and a fish and chip supper! A fabulous (but very long!) day.

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