Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Common Sandpiper

Had a stop off at North Cave Wetlands today. Highlight was a common sandpiper. Was so impressed with the site and how it has matured over the years. The staff should be proud of what they have acheived. I can't help but compare it to a site quite close to home, Alkborough Flats. North Cave have got everything spot on ie screening so the birds aren't flushed, hides full of information and ID charts, daily, weekly and monthy sightings, local photographers work on display, electric fox fencing, wild flowers, all combined with a lovely circular walk whereas Alkborough have the total opposite. No screening, sterile empty  hides, farming to the edge, pesticide spraying, sheep farming. No wonder birds don't hang around there, the Marsh Sandpiper is a prime example. One night at Alkborough followed by a months stay just 1/2 mile over the river at Blacktoft. Says it all!

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