Monday, January 4, 2010

Morocco, Christmas 2009

Have just had a wonderful weeks birding in Morocco. Got a bargain break to Agadir for the Christmas week. We booked a guide from Back to Back Tours. We had Mohamed who was an excellent guide and a lovely person. He knew all the sites and really looked after us. The weather spoilt itself with torrential rain for 5 days resulting in flooding. It didn't stop us birding though, but sun would have been nicer! What was very worrying though, was the obvious lack of raptors and the amount of spent cartridges everywhere. Karen had 11 new species here. Best birds were Moussier's Redstart, Cream Coloured Courser, Bald Ibis and Hawfinch.
We left snow in the UK and when we came back, it was still snowing!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Simon and Karen - loved looking through your Morocco pics - seemed a little hairy at times though!
