Monday, January 4, 2010

Bald Ibis

Our Christmas Eve bird. Hunted for these for hours until we eventually found a group of 16. They are so ugly yet so full of character. They weren't bothered by us at all. A target bird for Morocco.
This was the day we got stuck in the floods and the river came over the bridge. We had to wait 4 hours to get back and then the crossing was terrifying. Found a local cafe where we sampled a Lamb Tagine, which was delicious. We watched a full banana plantation get washed away while we ate. So sad that the poorest of people are always the ones that come off worst. Their livelihoods washed down the river. I can honestly say that I was terrified crossing the bridges on the way home with the water lapping at our wheels. 1000's of locals had turned out to look at the floods!

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