Friday, June 28, 2024

A few butterflies


                                                                      Small Skipper

Marbled White butterflies

Common Blue

A few local orchids


A white common spotted orchid

Lots of southern marsh orchids on our local walk, lets hope they don't get trampled

Common Spotted orchids

A few from last week





Reed Buntings

and a bittern flew over

Thursday, June 27, 2024

Marbled White Butterflies, Redhill Nature Reserve, Lincs


Our annual pilgrimage to this lovely reserve. Masses of marbled white butterflies flying, never still ! They were literally everywhere and we would guess at over 100. Everywhere we looked they never stopped fluttering over, never seen so many, quite a spectacle. Met some lovely folk to chat to aswell. Headed home before we baked in the 28 degrees of scorching sun....but the butterflies were loving it !

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Emily Thornberry MP on the Labour Party Battle Bus in Scunthorpe

Lovely to be invited by our candidate, Nic Dakin,  to the Labour Party Battle Bus event in Scunthorpe today. We knew there was a guest speaker that had come to say a very big thank you to all the volunteers that have put in so much time and effort, but we were not too sure who it was going to be. The bus pulled up with masses of security evident and who should emerge down the air conditioned steps ....... Emily Thornberry MP.  She really couldn't thank us enough for all our help the past couple of months and that was very much appreciated. A thank you goes a long way and it spruced us all up with one week to go. 

Simon and I have been the leaflet champions, delivering thousands and thousands. Both buggering our knees up so we then went onto counting and bundling leaflets, far kinder on old knees !

One week to go !!

This is Eamon, his organizing skills are on another level. Sent from Labour HQ to help and organize Nic's campaign. He has worked his socks off ! Finger's crossed it all pays off next week. 

Good luck Nic !!