Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Red Necked Grebe, Covenham Reservoir


A Sunday afternoon drive out to Covenham Reservoir to see the Red Necked Grebe. Shocked to see how many people were there, a never ending stream of folk, dog walkers, runners, cyclists. A boat went out and put every single bird up off the reservoir, never seen a boat go so close to the sides and go all the way round at speed, the sky was full of birds that the boat had put up. Karen had a word and the boat came in and didn't go back out.  Then a jogger ran all the way round on the wall top, again disruption. Then a family of morons walked round the reservoir on the other side of the wall. Where do all these idiots come from !  So we didn't bother walking round and beat a retreat after seeing the grebe which was infront of the club house. 

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