Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Wryneck, Spurn


These little owls never fail with a sighting on the way there and again on the way home x

Hopping over from one lot of ants to the next !

Our first wryneck this year and it certainly didn't disappoint that's for sure. Excellent views were had by all as the bird wolfed down ants, slept, ate more ants and slept in the Canal Scrape car park exit. It had a few near misses with cars, motor bikes, people and dogs totally oblivious of its existence. Bit of a mistake to go to Spurn on a Bank Holiday Monday, never in our lives have we seen so many people at Spurn, just why do they go and what the heck do they do ?  The road was covered in parked cars the whole way down, absolutely ridiculous. And that brings me to the ring of photographers that were laying in the road.......just why do you need to get that close with a 600mm lens ?  

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