Saturday, August 8, 2020

Bearded Vulture, Crowden, Derbyshire

 We seemed to pick the totally wrong day, weather wise, for our second visit to see the Lammergeier. The day was overcast with the occasional shower but worst still, bitterly cold. It called for my usual 2 fleeces, hat, scarf and gloves !  Lots of birders there that looked at my layers with envy as they shivered in their sandals and light sweaters !!

The lammergeier had a new roosting spot which could be viewed from the road but with limited parking and road works / traffic lights, stopping on this road looked near impossible. The locals were a hive of knowledge on parking and viewing when we did eventually get parked. We spent the day in a small car park (about 10 cars) just off the Glossop Road. The car park was literally non stop with walkers, and cyclists completing the circular reservoir hikes. We were lucky to get parked and stayed here all day. The vulture had already left it's roost and flown down the valley, disappearing into the next valley. But reports kept filtering through that it was either on a sheeps carcass or sat on the rocks in the next valley. It did eventually lift up and gave us reasonable views, it being mobbed by the local ravens. But they were a good crowd in the car park with us, laughter soon flowed and we put this incompetent government to rights and everyone was in agreement ! 

Hope that the photographers don't get too close. We know that the RSPB are now keeping a close eye on the bird.....and on you !!

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