Monday, June 6, 2011

White Throated Robin

Drove to Hartlepool today to hopefully see the White Throated Robin, the third bird ever to venture into the UK. After a half hour wait with 1000's of other birders all jostling for space, it flew from a walled garden into the side of the bowling green. A game of bowls had just finished. Bet the bowlers had never had such a large audience! Anyway, saw it fly in then dash between the hedge and the road and fly back to the walled garden. Not good views but enough. A first for us thats for sure. We stood for a further 3 hours but it didn't show again, probably due to the huge crowds. Was maddened by the 'big camera men' who refused to move back giving the bird space and think it was because of them that the bird didn't show again. It was later picked up in the same garden later in the evening where it was viewed from ladders.
A very enjoyable day, a mega bird and caught up with some old friends.

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